Title: The Romanov Empress: A Novel of Tsarina Maria Feodorovna
Author: C.W. Gortner
Review: Admittedly, I am probably much more fascinated by the Romanovs than the average person, so I did not think that there was any possibility of my not enjoying this book. And, I was right, because I absolutely loved it and really did not want to return it to the library before rereading it. It's already a long book and I really only wish it was longer. Sure it is fiction, but it is so obviously well-researched, all of the characters are well developed, and the main character, Minnie or Maria Feodorovna, mother of the last Tsar, grandmother of the last Russian Grand Duchesses (OTMA), was likable in a way that history does not necessarily portray her as (in my experience, anyway). I felt as if I was truly looking into the private life and thoughts of the real woman who lived all of those years ago. Everything, even the more intimate scenes, are tasteful and this book can be enjoyed by young teens and adults alike. I really enjoyed watching the Empress evolve as she aged and the family trees in the front of the book were very helpful as minor characters drift in and out of the story at times, and I found myself needing the trees to consult. The writing is wonderful, this is definitely one of the best historical fiction books I've ever read.