Title: Mia's Boiling Point
Author: Coco Simon
Summary: There is a new student in middle school, Olivia Allen. Mia knows what its like to be the new girl at a school, and Mia takes Olivia Allen under her wing. It is also a big plus when she finds out that Olivia cares as much about style as Mia does! Mia is so glad to have found a new friend, and has small tiffs with the Cupcake Club because they aren't fond of her. Mia soon realizes that they are right, when Olivia takes over Mia's locker, doesn't apologize for anything, starts hanging out with the BFC, and in a more serious incident where she doesn't return Mia's money that she spent on the decorations for Olivia's new locker.
Rating: 4 and a half stars
Complaints: I loved the book, and the conflict that was chosen was great, but I think that the part about Olivia never returning the money could give some kids "ideas".
Comments: It was a great book! I loved how a new character came onto the scene! It definitely made it super interesting and I didn't put it down!