Title: The Year of the Book
Author: Andrea Cheng
Summary: Anna Wang, a fourth grader, loses her only friend, Laura, to two girls named Allison and Lucy. Anna is lonely, and life is sort of hard. Her mother is still learning to speak English, she is struggling in Chinese school, has to go along with her mother to her job as a maid, and she misses Laura. Anna reads lots of books, and is one of the biggest readers ever, she also likes to sew drawstring bags and hats. Finally, Laura, who's parents are going through a really tough divorce comes to stay with the Wangs', Laura and Anna start to become friends again, and Allison and Lucy turn on Laura. Anna is happy by the end of the book and she finally gets her friend back, but still loves reading more than anything.
Comments: This was a really good book, but my only complaint is that it was too short - it took me 25 minutes to read, but it is a great quick, easy, fun, and interesting read. on the back of the book, it shows how to make a drawstring bag - I am definitely going to try it! :)
Rating: 5 stars!