Title: Luv Ya Bunches: A Flower Power Book
Author: Lauren Myracle
Summary: This book is about a group of girls, Milla, Katie Rose, Yasamin, and Violet. They all have pretty different personalities but are all close friends. This book tells the tale of their first few weeks in the new school and all the exciting and not so exciting challenges that await them. From being bullied to trying a new thing, these girls experience it all.
Comments: I think this is a very unique book and the characters are well developed and each one has their own little thing going on and something they are particularly interested in. I also like how the group of girls is very diverse, unlike most books. The book is told through the girls instant messaging together, Katie Rose videotaping, and through regular narrative book format. However, I feel like it is a bit of an "iffy" book for younger girls because there are a few parts of it that I didn't find completely age appropriate. It's still a great book though, and is a good read that is fairly long.
Complaints: This book has a few not so age appropriate lines in it, but I wouldn't completely rule it off the "read list" because of that, but just be careful (it's nothing super bad - it's just a little weird - nothing like, bad words or anything, though.)
Rating: 4 stars!