Title: The Meaning of Maggie
Author: Megan Jean Sovern
Summary: Maggie Mayfield is a girl growing up in the early 1990s (I think). She is very smart for her age and sees herself as the future president. She writes throughout the book on the year that changed her life. She has two sisters and life with them is NOT always easy. However, the biggest issue in her life is her dad who is now suffering from MS (multiple sclerosis), and how she goes through the scariness of her dad's body shutting down more and more. She deals with everything nicely and has such a funny wit about her that she is a character that you will all be sure to love!
Complaints: There was a bit of harsh language in the book, which I thought was completely unnecessary - I think the author's point could have been conveyed another way. It is very mild and only appears once in the book, so this could still be a read for an 11-12 year old (a girl around Maggie's age).
Comments: I loved this book! Maggie sounded a lot like me (Into studying and striving to get as smart as possible) and the book cover is relatable to me. (the candy corn, the pencils, the eraser, the fish, the student of the month, etc.) I really enjoyed this book and Maggie was such a relatable character and I felt myself truly seeing things the way she saw them throughout the book. I loved this book and I think those who would get the most enjoyment out of it would be around 11-12 (Maggie's age).
Rating: 5 stars