Title: Camp of the Angel
Author: Aileen Arrington
Summary: 11 year old Jordan and her younger brother, Carson live with their Papa who enjoys drinking but is oftentimes quite abusive in a mental and physical way. Jordan tries desperately to hide the abuse from those around her at school and on the island, even though it is obvious that everyone around her is wondering. But when Jordan suspects her Papa of something very serious, will she have the courage to tell the authorities?
Comments: I enjoyed this book. While I could not directly relate to it, which I am grateful for, I still enjoyed reading it and Jordie and her brother are both likeable as are her Uncle Bob and Aunt Viv. The characters were not overly detailed but they were detailed enough to get the point of the book across and still make for a good story. Her Papa is the type that is very unlikeable, but at rare moments he shows a bit of kindness, which makes him more complex; thus making the book better.
This book is not overly descriptive of the abuse, and 8+ would probably be an okay age, but maybe 10+ depending on maturity. The book is a quick read and I finished it in 45 minutes.
The storyline with the white cat is a little weak and thrown-in and I think that storyline in general did not have enough time to go through the action and climax due to the shortness in length of this book.
While it is probably not going to make it on to my list of favorites, it was still worth reading.
Rating: 4 stars