Title: Tru & Nelle
Author: G. Neri
Summary: 6-year-old Nelle and 7-year-old Truman are living next to each other in Monroeville, Alabama. Nelle lives with her 2 older sisters, her father, and she also has a mother, who has some mental problems and is away getting treatment. Truman is living with his aunts and uncle, along with occasional, infrequent visits from his real, unreliable parents.
The two enjoy playing together, along with Big Boy (Jennings Carter, I think), and the two, who enjoy writing and telling stories and solving mysteries, create their own detective agency, with Truman acting as Sherlock Holmes, Nelle as Dr. Watson, and Big Boy as the Inspector.
With the case of a drugstore break-in, the three get on the case and go out on an adventure they will never forget.
Comments: I really, really enjoyed this book! Nelle Harper Lee is my favorite author (I have read both of her books) and it was interesting to learn about Truman Capote, though I have not read any of his literature works yet. Now I want to, though! :)
The story felt very real, and I really did feel as though I was taken into their lives, even if some of the scenarios in the book and some of the storylines were fictional. It was very similar to Scout, Jem, and Dill, when the three main characters (Big Boy, Nelle, and Truman) got together in the book, which is what I really hoped for.
I think that the book could probably be suitable for all readers, and even for younger children who have not yet read the writings of these two authors, the book would be interesting and a clean, fun, small-town mystery. There are a few scenes with the KKK, which could be scary or inappropriate for very young readers, so maybe 8+ could be suitable too. In the scenes with the Klan, no one gets physically hurt, and nothing really happens, and it should not change anyone's opinion on the book either.
It was a wonderful story and I enjoyed reading it very, very much.
Rating: 5 stars!!!!