(This is the first book in the Cupcake Diaries series)
Title: Katie & the Cupcake Cure
Author: Coco Simon
Summary: Katie is about to start 6th grade, the only problem is, she just lost her best friend to a group of mean girls. As Katie sets out on her middle school adventure alone, she comes across three friends and together they form The Cupcake Club.
Comments: This book is by no means "fine literature" or anything of that sort. The book is good though, and the characters all have a little something for the average tween reader to relate to. The book doesn't pretend to be something it isn't and its trendiness and middle school stereotyping (gossip, drama, boys, mean girls, etc.) is not hidden. For a quick and fun read for a tween, this is probably a good choice. I finished the whole series because the book really took me into the story. Also, more and more books are being released in the series (about 4 a year, I believe - 25 are out so far), so this is a fun series to get "hooked" on!
I feel as though I should probably title this book as the "21st Century, Baking version of the Babysitters Club", due to its story of middle school girls forming a club. The characters are quite similar too (I have always thought of Alexis or Katie as the Kristy Thomas of the club, Emma as the Mary Anne Spier of the club, and Mia as the Claudia and Stacey of the club - Babysitters Club fans will know what I mean!).
Complaints: None.
Rating: 5 stars.
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