Title: Moon over Manifest
Author: Clare Vanderpool
Summary: It is the hit of the Great Depression and Abilene Tucker is sent to live with a man named Shady in a town called Manifest, a place with a rich past and a bright future. Her father lived here as a child many years ago, and Abilene is excited since she heard many stories about this place. She is a bit disappointed to see that it is only some buildings and a school house. Later, she meets up with two girls Lettie and Ruthann. They search for the "Rattler after finding notes. Abilene stumbles upon old Miss Sadie the diviner who remembered the sad history of the town even when no one else could bear to remember. Abilene learns new things about her father and she is even learning clues to a mystery. What is the mystery and how will it be solved?
Rating: Five Stars! This book is really good. It is long so you can read it for a good three days. It is a page turner and really good. It is scary, sad, and tragic, yet happy. What do you think? We'd love to hear your comments! |
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