Title: Happy New Year Julie
Author: Megan McDonald
Summary: The Christmas season starts out bumpy as she realizes that things are so different this year, it is so different without her whole family together on Christmas. Things get even worse when she realizes that she isn't going to Grandma and Grandpa's house and she isn't even going to see mom on Christmas. Things get worse when older sister Tracy doesn't want to spend Christmas with dad, and dad doesn't even get a real or big tree for the occasion. Julie begins to feel that nothing will ever be the same, but preparing for Chinese New Year with the Lings makes her forget her thoughts. Until, she realizes that everyone in her family is invited to the Happy Panda, - Ivy's grandparents Chinese restaurant - and Tracy and Dad haven't been getting along at all. Things aren't looking up for Julie, until the night of Chinese New Year, when things turn magical.
Rating: 5 stars
Complaints: None.
Comments: Amazing Book! I've read it 9 times! It is pretty short though.