Title: Superfudge
Author: Judy Blume
Summary: Things seem so bad when Peter Hatcher finds out the family is moving to Princeton for the year to see what they think of it there. But things just get worse when he finds out that there is another baby on the way. Peter is annoyed. Suppose this baby turns out to be another Fudge? Peter can't even imagine that! When Fudge starts acting like a baby again just so he can get more attention, things just take a turn for the worse. But will things really turn out as he thinks?
Rating: 5 stars
Complaints: None.
Comments: Great book, but if you read Double Fudge first, it is not quite as good as that, so it may not seem like 5 stars. But I definitely still recommend it, because while it is not as "laugh-out-loud" funny, it helps to make the other books in the series make sense.
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