Title: One for the Murphys
Author: Lynda Mullaly Hunt
Summary: Carly Connors has been separated from her mom who is recovering in the hospital and is sent to live with a foster family; the Murphys. It turns out that her mother wasn't a good parent and her mother's boyfriend was extremely abusive. Carly comes to the Murphys' home mad and angry at the world, but slowy becomes the person she never thought she'd be and gets the life she never dreamed of having. She has friends, goes to school, has brothers (or not real brothers; just the Murphy boys), and finally gets a loving mother and father. However, at the end, she gets surprising news from her mother, creating a dramatic and sad ending.
Comments: I LOVED this book! It was really powerful and conveyed a wide range of emotions beautifully. I was crying at the end (or almost), because it was just so sad and emotional. I wouldn't recommend this to children under 10, just because it is sort of sad, it deals with a flashback to her mother and boyfriend abusing her and all that, so it is a bit scary and of course, sad. It's a great book though, and besides being emotional, it is appropriate.
This book is the perfect book for a day that one just wants to read a dramatic, sad and happy well written novel!
Rating: 5 stars!