Title: The Year of the Fortune Cookie (Anna Wang Series)
Author: Andrea Cheng
Summary: This is the third book in the Anna Wang series, where Anna and her friends start middle school. Laura is going to a different school now, so Anna feels a bit lost with only 1 of her friends with her, but now Anna is making different friends and everyone is having a pretty good time. However, it is also around this time that Anna begins to question whether she really likes being Chinese and she begins to feel a bit insecure. Anna's old teacher is going to China to adopt a baby just like Anna's family did for Kaylee! Anna is given the chance to go with them to China to help them, and she accepts the offer. However, on the plane ride there, she begins to wonder if it was the best idea to accept, since she won't be with her family for the Christmas season, and she starts to feel homesick. It's getting better though, when Anna meets a new friend in China - a waitress in the hotel, and things get even better when Anna gets her wish to go and see the orphanage that Kaylee was adopted from, and to give cute crochet hats for each of the orphanage babies.
Anna then realizes that in the end, things are alright.
Comments: I really liked this story! I love when authors make age-appropriate books for middle schoolers (it is an easy read, but Anna is a 6th grader). The book also teaches you Chinese and is pretty educational! Anna is a relatable character that most kids are sure to love! (I know I do!)
Complaints: I sort of feel like it was a bit unrealistic that Anna got to explore the town and go to the park and down to the hotel lobby without any adult supervision, especially in a big city, but otherwise, the book was really good!
Rating: 5 stars!
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