Title: May B: A Novel
Author: Caroline Starr Rose
Summary: May B., age 11, is sent away from home to help a couple who has just moved out to their farm. She doesn't want to go, but she does, leaving her siblings and parents. They keep reminding her that she will be picked up at Christmas - no sooner and no later. However, the people she stays with are not who she thinks, and the wife is mean and cruel and the husband is too busy trying to show his wife how good life in the country can be. One day, soon after May comes to stay with them, the wife runs away secretly and the husband runs off after her, leaving May all alone. May struggles through keeping herself alive throughout the winter and the hardships of living alone on the prairie are showcased greatly. As a side story, May has trouble reading, and continues to teach herself how to read from her reading book throughout her survival months in the "soddy."
Comments: I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a darker Little House on the Prairie in a way. It is written in a poetic form, but do not let this scare you away if you do not enjoy poetry! The book is well written and it is very descriptive and tastefully written. There is nothing questionable for readers in this book and this is a novel that can be enjoyed by all ages.
Rating: 5 stars!
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