Title: All the Things You Are
Author: Courtney Sheinmel
Summary: 12 year old Carly Wheeler is living an exciting life. She has an awesome stepfather (her Faux Pa), stepsiblings (who come to her home occasionally), a great best friend Annie, and a mother with an exciting job on the set of a popular soap opera, Lovelock Falls.
However, one day, everything changes suddenly. Her mother is arrested for embezzling funds from Lovelock Falls. Everything changes. Faux Pa might want a divorce, her mother pleads guilty and is sent away, and her best friends are leaving her out and ignoring her.
Carly doesn't know what to do and most of all she just doesn't know what to think of her mother.
Comments: I enjoyed this book. Carly was realistic and likeable and it was interesting to see her exciting, wealthy life before her mother was caught. Then, things really changed once her mother was caught. It was sad to watch Carly's life fall apart and I really felt sorry for her. I thought that the ending was especially good because it showed that things don't have to wrap up perfectly for there to still be hope.
Of course, with the arrest, there was some mature themes and it could be frightening to some younger kids or inappropriate. However, I thought that it was written in a non-frightening way and I enjoyed the book (I am 13). So, I'd probably say either a mature 10+ on this or a 12+.
The book was wonderful though, and I'd hate for anyone to miss out on it!
Complaints: None.
Rating: 5 stars