Title: Pieces of Georgia
Author: Jen Bryant
Summary: 13 year old Georgia is an aspiring artist, still upset by the death of her mother 6 years prior to the start of the book. Georgia lives with her dad in a trailer in the countryside near her wealthy friend Tiffany's home. Georgia feels alone at times, but things change when she begins to busy herself with applying for an art scholarship and going to the art museum that she has mysteriously received a year-long pass for. Georgia changes and grows throughout the book and it is nice to see her find some closure at the end - it shows much art can really heal someone; the art of painting and writing.
Comments: This book was nice and written in a sort of poetic format which seems to be popular for books right now. I enjoyed the book, but I wish it would've been more descriptive and a bit longer (I finished it in a half hour). It was interesting, but I felt the unnecessary points were discussed too long and the plot that actually made the book interesting was not discussed enough.
I would recommend this to either a really mature 10+ or a 12+ just because there are a lot of drug references in this book, and Tiffany, Georgia's best friend, begins taking sleeping pills in an unhealthy attempt to keep awake due to her busy schedule. This is obviously not selling off the idea of healthy habits to kids and teens reading this book, and for that reason, I think this subplot should've been left out of the book.
Complaints: The references to drugs and drug abuse. Unnecessary.
Rating: 4 stars (it was a good book; just had a few flaws)
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