Title: R My Name is Rachel
Author: Patricia Reilly Giff
Summary: Rachel is growing up in the Depresson/1936 with her two younger siblings (Joey & Cassie) and father (her mother died when she was only two). Rachel has enjoyed a somewhat carefree life in the city - writing, reading, and enjoying the company of her best friend; a lady, Miss Mitzi, who owns a flower shop in the town.
One day, as the Depression gets worse and worse, Rachel and her family are forced to leave and use the rest of their money to buy a farm in the country - far away from everything Rachel has always known. When Rachel's father is forced to go far away from the farm for a job, Rachel and her two younger siblings must help each other survive for the months he is gone.
Comments: Patricia Reilly Giff is just a really talented, accomplished author in general; I love her works of historic fiction. The last book of hers that I read, Winter Sky, was definitely not a favorite of mine, but I think this one may be my favorite! Rachel is a great main character, and she is very relatable. She enjoys reading and writing; and some of her favorite books are my favorites too (I love classics)!
The book really showed the hardships of the Depression in a way that isn't too harsh for young readers and it isn't too light for older readers either.
This book wasn't very long, but there was a lot of description and a clear story. The characters, especially Cassie, aren't perfect, and I like that - all the characters are realistic.
I think that this story could be suitable for all ages - though it would be best enjoyed by those of an old enough age to know about the Depression.
Complaints: None.
Rating: 5 stars
The book really showed the hardships of the Depression in a way that isn't too harsh for young readers and it isn't too light for older readers either.
This book wasn't very long, but there was a lot of description and a clear story. The characters, especially Cassie, aren't perfect, and I like that - all the characters are realistic.
I think that this story could be suitable for all ages - though it would be best enjoyed by those of an old enough age to know about the Depression.
Complaints: None.
Rating: 5 stars