Title: The Girl Who Threw Butterflies
Author: Mick Cochrane
Summary: 8th grader Molly Williams recently lost her father who died in a car accident. Now she has been left with her mother, who doesn't understand her at all - Molly has always been closest to her dad; especially her love of baseball. She misses playing catch and watching games with her dad; who taught her different baseball skills, such as how to throw a knuckleball - a skill that takes lots and lots of practice. At school, she doesn't want to continue to play on her usual softball team - girls softball just isn't the same as baseball.
So, she tries out for the baseball team; she wants to be known as the girl on the baseball team; rather than known as the girl who lost her dad. As she plays on the baseball team, she meets a new friend and begins to restart her life again and find a connection to her father as time goes on. The only problem is her mother, who may just ruin things for her.
Comments: I really enjoyed this book. Molly had feelings similar to mine - I much prefer baseball over girls softball and I've yet to find a character in a book that shares those feelings. I like Molly's bravery to try out for the boys team and it was refreshing to see a character who stood strong even when she was bullied at first by the boys on the team. Eventually, they accepted her; and this showed a good lesson that if one doesn't back down; things will turn out right.
Molly was likeable and relatable in many ways; her desire to be seen differently, to prove others wrong, her love of baseball, and just her overall character.
This book doesn't really have any "iffy" content - there is a little detail on the night/morning of her father's death; but there is no descriptions or anything that any reader over 8 couldn't handle. Molly's grief and sorrow over the loss of her father is very strong, and her emotions seem very real. The book is pretty suitable for any reader 8+. There is one word, "crap" said once by Molly's friend Celia. While this book could be suitable for ages 8+, due to Molly's age, it would be best enjoyed by those who are 10+. The word was not necessarily in a bad context, and while it is seen as an inappropriate word by a lot of families I know (including my own), however, just because it is written once in the book does not mean that you shouldn't read this amazing novel!While this book could be suitable for ages 8+, due to Molly's age, it would be best enjoyed by those who are 10+.
The book really spoke to me in a lot of ways; the love of baseball, the protagonist (Molly's) goal to follow her dreams...
Complaints: None.
Rating: 5 stars
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