Title: The Red Umbrella
Author: Christina Diaz Gonzalez
Summary: 14-year-old Lucia Alvarez, growing up during the communist revolution, lives a carefree life with her parents and little brother. Her days consist of gossiping with her fashionable friend Ivette and dreaming of the dance and her 15th birthday party (a special celebration in her culture).
But it all changes once Ivette and other friends of Lucia begin to join the revolution clubs for children. Soon Lucia's friends are becoming more and more brainwashed into believing that the revolution is right. But Lucia's parents still disagree.
Then, the situation becomes even more dangerous and Lucia and her brother are shipped away to live in America until their parents can come retrieve them after the revolution or whenever they can get away.
The 2 of them move into a little Nebraska farming community and slowly make a life for themselves. Lucia starts high school and makes a true friend, and their foster parents are very nice and treat them like their own.
But then, something happens to Lucia's father and Lucia and her brother fear that they may never see their parents in America.
Comments: I liked this book and it was an enjoyable yet quick-paced read. For the readers who enjoyed I Lived on Butterfly Hill, this book will probably hit the spot. The book seems like it could be classified as almost more of a teen book, Lucia after all begins to drive in the book, grow to be a young lady, and there are also some more mature themes when Ivette's letters from her revolution experiences come into the story.
Lucia is a likeable girl and her character definitely grows throughout the story, in a rather pleasing way. I was quite impressed with the amount of time that Ms. Gonzalez could cover in this story, without making the story feel rushed in the least bit.
I would recommend this book for 12+, because there are some more mature themes, and there is also one time when while learning English, Lucia accidently says a cuss word instead of the word "beach" (I'll leave you to guess where that goes), but it is said by mistake of course.
I enjoyed this book, but for younger children just being introduced to this idea, I recommend I Lived on Butterfly Hill and then The Red Umbrella once the reader is a little older.
Rating: 5 stars
Lucia is a likeable girl and her character definitely grows throughout the story, in a rather pleasing way. I was quite impressed with the amount of time that Ms. Gonzalez could cover in this story, without making the story feel rushed in the least bit.
I would recommend this book for 12+, because there are some more mature themes, and there is also one time when while learning English, Lucia accidently says a cuss word instead of the word "beach" (I'll leave you to guess where that goes), but it is said by mistake of course.
I enjoyed this book, but for younger children just being introduced to this idea, I recommend I Lived on Butterfly Hill and then The Red Umbrella once the reader is a little older.
Rating: 5 stars