Title: Hold Fast
Author: Blue Balliett
Summary: Early and her family (Sum & Dash her parents, and her little brother Jubie) live in a small apartment, and while they are not rich in money, they are all very rich in love. The whole family enjoys quotes and words and reading, especially her father who even works at a library.
Then one day, Dash goes missing and is suspected of committing a crime.
With a link of their family missing, Early, Sum, and Jubie fall into even harder times. Overnight they lose their home and are thrust into the shelter system. Each of them struggles to survive, each wondering whether Dash will ever be found.
Comments: I enjoyed this book. I must admit that the cover and title did not quite appeal to me, but that does not matter - it is the content beneath that cover and title, and this content was quality for sure. The book did not peak my interest in the first few chapters, but at least 5 or 6 chapters in, I began to really enjoy the reading. I find some of the best books can end up like that.
Early was likeable, as was her little brother, and Early was truly remarkable in the way that she wanted to solve the mystery - to find Dash. The way she took matters into her own hands.
The mystery aspect of the story was great too - it was not so predictable. There were some scary parts, so I would recommend this for children 10+.
Rating: 5 stars
Then one day, Dash goes missing and is suspected of committing a crime.
With a link of their family missing, Early, Sum, and Jubie fall into even harder times. Overnight they lose their home and are thrust into the shelter system. Each of them struggles to survive, each wondering whether Dash will ever be found.
Comments: I enjoyed this book. I must admit that the cover and title did not quite appeal to me, but that does not matter - it is the content beneath that cover and title, and this content was quality for sure. The book did not peak my interest in the first few chapters, but at least 5 or 6 chapters in, I began to really enjoy the reading. I find some of the best books can end up like that.
Early was likeable, as was her little brother, and Early was truly remarkable in the way that she wanted to solve the mystery - to find Dash. The way she took matters into her own hands.
The mystery aspect of the story was great too - it was not so predictable. There were some scary parts, so I would recommend this for children 10+.
Rating: 5 stars
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