Title: The Secret Hum of a Daisy
Author: Tracy Holczer
Summary: Grace, 12 years old, has been sent away from her best friend and her friend's mother to live with her grandmother after Grace's own mother dies. At first, Grace is resistant to her grandmother's strange behavior and her possible love for Grace. Grace refuses help from her grandmother and mostly sleeps out in the barn, hoping this will drive her grandmother to send her back to her friend, who has nearly become her sister. Then, Grace begins to find little paper cranes everywhere that seem to lead her on a hunt to something - maybe a clue about her mysterious mother's past. Grace's mother loved to make cranes or "junk art" out of all sorts of materials and Grace believes these paper cranes are a sign from her mother. Along the way of uncovering clues, Grace makes a unique ring of friends and begins to meet everyone in the town, and all the people seem to have some sort of tie or connection to Grace's dead mother and father.
Grace continues to find the clues, and in the end, she is in for a surprising surprise.
Comments: This book is LONG. I love it though, and it was a very nice read. It was interesting to see Grace's resistance to her own family and to watch her grow a bit apart from her old friend that she, in the beginning, wanted to stay with.
Complaints: Nothing - I really enjoyed this book and I think it would be great for anyone 10+ just because of the grief Grace deals with surrounding her mother and the details of her mother's scary, tragic death.
Rating: 5 stars!