Title: Almost Home
Author: Joan Bauer
Summary: Sugar Mae Cole is a 6th grader living a somewhat normal life at first, with her mother in their rented home. Her grandfather has died (before the book) and after a while of not being able to pay their rent (mainly because her "dad" who she calls Mr. Leeland, took some money - he is a drunk and is addicted to gambling). Soon they are found being evicted and wind up in a homeless shelter far from Sugar's school and favorite teacher. Then, they move to Chicago where they think that her mother, Reba, can land a job. However, she cannot, and Reba then has a nervous break down and is put in a mental facility for a while, forcing Sugar to go into foster care. Sugar doesn't mind foster care, and actually begins to enjoy having two "parents" and she makes friends with a nice girl, Joonie, and a boy, Dante and also becomes the official neighborhood dog walker. Things are going well into Mr. Leeland shows up, promising all sorts of different things to her mother and her. Sugar doesn't believe them for a second, but her mom seems to. Then, Mr. Leeland disappears again, and her mother lands a job at a bakery, just as Mr. Leeland is coming back. Sugar hopes her mother won't fall for all of his false promises.
Comments: I really enjoyed this book. It shows you what to be grateful for and also lets you know that one day you may be homeless, one of those "other people." Throughout the book are Sugar's poems and writings and thoughts, and the book is sad, happy, and exciting to read. I would recommend this to anyone. The scenes with Mr. Leeland aren't graphically violent and there isn't any scary parts to this book, really. It is just an interesting read for any great day!
Complaints: In the book, I never did find out whether Sugar was still in touch with Meesha and her other friends. We only found out that she still emailed her teacher. I would've liked to have known what had happened to them.
Rating: 5 stars!!!
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