Title: Close to Famous
Author: Joan Bauer
Summary: Foster McFee and her mom start out on the run from her mom's ex-boyfriend who weirdly enough, believes he is Elvis. They come across a town in West Virginia and are taken in by a kind couple. Foster and her love for baking attract attention quickly and she soon sells her treats at a local restaurant. She meets a few friends, too, a boy who wants to be a documentary creator, and even a famous movie star who ends up helping her in a way Foster has never let anyone help her.
Comments: The book is great and rather than actually focusing on a huge problem and having the story revolve around it, you get to know Foster and her situation and at the end, all the problems that may have arose in the story are pretty much solved. This book is completely okay for everyone to read (unless you are scared by the mentioning of jails and bad guys). It's great and Foster is a really good and sometimes funny person.
Complaints: Couldn't it have been longer? Maybe there could be another book about her? I love Foster!!!!
Rating: 5 stars all the way!!!!
Complaints: Couldn't it have been longer? Maybe there could be another book about her? I love Foster!!!!
Rating: 5 stars all the way!!!!
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