Title: Dear Hank Williams
Author: Kimberly Willis Holt
Summary: Tate P. Ellerby is a girl growing up in post-WW2 Rippling Creek, Louisiana. For her assignment for school, she has to pick a pen pal. The teacher suggests a pen pal from a Japanese school, but Tate knows she just has to write to the up and coming star, Hank Williams. She becomes his pen pal, even though it is completely one-sided (besides 3 autographed pictures).
The story (told only through Tate's letters to Hank) starts out with Tate posing herself as a girl living with her cosmetic selling Aunt Patty Cake and broken hearted Uncle Jolly (who is trying to find himself a girl XD) and little brother/bother, Frog (nickname), while her mother is off filming movies in Hollywood as a famous singer and her father is off taking photographs all over the world for magazines.
However, the truth soon comes out about where her parents really are and what is really happening in Tate's tragic life. Tate is an energetic girl, who despite being through so much, is just such a shining light and someone I could imagine being friends with.
Comments: I loved this book! Tate originally tried to make Hank Williams think she was something she wasn't, but throughout the story, more and more of the truth about her life was told and by the end, the story had turned pretty tragic, yet it was exciting too.
Some children may not want to read this book just because of all the tragedies, so I'd suggest that a parent read it first, because there is an unexpected death in the book that some young children might not like.
I personally really enjoyed and I want to see more books like this! I loved it!
Complaints: I think the unexpected death was unnecessary and didn't really fit into the story - it felt like it was just thrown in.
Rating: 5 stars!!!!!!!!!