Title: The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt
Author: Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
Summary: 13 year old Moxie Roosevelt Kipper doesn't want to be ordinary and unnoticed anymore, and she finds that the perfect time to change herself is at the beginning of her new life at a boarding school. Things go okay at first, as Moxie tries out different personalities, with none of them truly being her. But things get complicated as she tries to act different towards different people and at different times. She even has to keep a notebook about what she says around different people because she is lying about herself so much. However, she soon learns she isn't the only pretending to be something she isn't.
Comments: I really liked this book. While it could give some kids "ideas" about how to balance different personalities, I think that it would be a good book that could even teach a lesson to girls who feel ordinary and want to be something they're not. Moxie learns a lesson about being herself that everyone who has ever pretended to be something she is not could benefit from. Moxie meets a lot of friends, and her roommate, Spinky seemed like a "tough bad girl" but she ended up being really nice and not into conflict at all. So, this book went against several stereotypes, which is always a plus!
Complaints: I found it surprising that her roommate, Spinky, had a tattoo. Some families may not find this appropriate and frankly, I was beyond surprised she had a tattoo, considering it is illegal and wrong to tattoo a 13 year old girl. Maybe they were temporary tattoos that Spinky just pretended were real? I have no idea. XD
Rating: 5 stars! Great book!
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