Title: Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightning
Author: Danette Haworth
Summary: Violet Raines, during the summer before the start of middle school/jr. high, feels threatened by a new girl, Melissa, who comes into her life and seems to be set in trying to change everyone and make everyone follow what she says. She even "takes" Violet's forever friend, Lottie and gets her into wearing makeup and growing up. Melissa is mean towards Violet, and even threatens her relationship with her other friends, like a boy in the neighborhood. But when something happens to Lottie's home and family, Violet learns that she needs to accept Lottie and Melissa for who they are.
Comments: I was really excited for this book when I found it in the library. It lived up to my expectations in a few ways, yet I felt let down in other ways. I wanted to like Violet, but I felt like she hated Melissa from the start of meeting her just because of where she was from and what her money status and clothes were. Violet was a bit judgmental and I felt like she was mean to Melissa before Melissa even did anything to her. Honestly, none of the girls were nice. Melissa seemed like she was just trying to fit in at first, but then she turned into a real rat. Violet was whiny and seemed to judge everyone and decide whether she liked them from the start. Lottie claimed not to be swayed by Melissa, but it was very obvious that she was.
The book wrapped up a little too nicely for me. There was no real apology for what Melissa did to Violet, yet they were suddenly okay with each other. I don't know about all friendships, but I can't imagine a friendship just wrapping up like that so nicely after having been at each other's throats for all the time of knowing the other person.
The book was good though, and it really did get across a really good message that will hit home with many tween/early teen girls. Violet didn't stop being friends with Lottie, Lottie didn't stop being friends with Melissa, and Lottie still changed too, yet Violet came to accept the new "Lottie" or "Char" for who she was, without having to be the same. So, Violet still stayed herself, yet didn't cut off connection with Lottie when Lottie did change.
Complaints: All the girls seemed really mean and unfair at times, which really does happen in real life, but it just took me back that Violet hated Melissa before she even got to know her. It almost made her come across as a bully at first before you got to know her through the book.
Rating: 5 stars. (I loved the underlying themes and message!)
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