Title: Flying the Dragon
Author: Natalie Dias Lorenzi
Summary: Sorano "Skye" is a Japanese-American girl growing up in Virginia who is focused on one thing; to make the All Star Soccer Team for the summer.
Hiroshi is a Japanese boy living in Japan with his parents and grandfather; a skilled kite maker.
However, Hiroshi's grandfather is not well; he has cancer. Hiroshi's family must come to the US if grandfather wants any chances of treatment to get well again.
In US, Hiroshi and his family move nearby his cousin; Skye. Soon, Hiroshi has to share Grandfather with Skye since he is also her grandfather as well. Hiroshi knows no English and Skye is enlisted to help him in English if he can help her learn Japanese. The two do not get along well at all at first. However, after a family tragedy, the two come together for a kite contest to honor their grandfather.
Comments: I enjoyed this book. Every other chapter was Skye's POV and every other was Hiroshi's view. It was an interesting story; but just because it was a bit sad (the grandfather does die), I would recommend a 10+ age rating for this book. As well as the tragedy in the book, there are also some minor inapropriate words as well, such as "sucks". However, not all families consider that a bad word (mine does). I wouldn't let that stop anyone from reading the book though.
Complaints: None.
Rating: 4 stars