Title: The Second Life of Abigail Walker
Author: Frances O'Roark Dowell
Summary: Abby Walker is a nice girl and a great friend, though not many notice this because of the two girls she has grouped up with; two mean girls who pretend to be her friend but tease her about her weight when adults aren't around. Abby really isn't overweight, she just is a bit chubbier than the others. Everyone acts meanly towards her because of this; even her own parents.
Abby feels alone, until one day when she meets a boy in the woods who takes her to his home where his grandmother and recovering father who just returned from the service. Abby then sets into helping the boy's father finish his research on Lewis and Clark. Soon she is spending more time with them and trying to ignore her life of parents pushing her to diet and mean "friends" teasing her. This second life just might be the thing for Abby to gain confidence and be happy.
Comments: I liked this book. It was kind of sad; the way her mother just wanted everyone to be happy; yet she couldn't see that Abby's "friends" were just out to be mean to her. I felt bad for Abby, and I was so glad when she found Anders and his family. It was nice to see how meeting them helped her throughout the book.
I recommend this book for 10+ just because of the age of the characters and the teasing about Abby's weight.
Complaints: The book was nice; but I felt like there wasn't much closure at the end; because her parents still weren't exactly nice to her.
Rating: 4 stars
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