Title: The Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet
Author: Erin Dionne
Summary: 8th grader Hamlet longs to be a normal middle school student with a normal life, but that proves to be hard, with a genius 7-year-old sister (who is in her same grade!) and Shakespearian scholars for parents. Hamlet's social life gets even harder as she must help her young, somewhat clueless sister navigate middle school.
Comments: I enjoyed reading this book. Hamlet is a likable character, and her cute yet somewhat naive sister is likable too. I found it a bit unrealistic; with her sister being a genius and her parents being so devoted to Shakespeare to the point of hardly keeping up with the modern world, but it made for a fun story anyway. It was still an enjoyable read though; and while it would probably be suitable for most reading ages, I would recommend this book to those who are 10+ just because of the age of the majority of the characters. There is also a bit of an underlying romantic theme, which also contributes to my decision of readers being 10+.
Overall, the book was pretty good, though probably not my favorite.
Complaints: None!
Rating: 5 stars
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