Title: All 4 Stars
Author: Tara Dairman
Summary: Gladys Gatsby is a prodigy of a cook with a very sophisticated taste. However, she has to cook in secret and never gets to eat the delicious, gourmet foods she craves; all because her parents are fast-food overs and don't believe that anything can be cooked without a microwave.
Gladys secret cooking ends after she sets half the kitchen on fire and her parents are anything but understanding of her amazing talents and desire.
However, Gladys gets a chance to write about her future and to have it published in the newspaper, and Gladys writes about how she wants to be a food critic. The paper does not win, but Gladys is given the chance to be a critic for the newspaper's column. Gladys cannot tell her parents that she has been invited to be a critic for a restaurant, so she takes matters into her own hands so that she can reach her dreams, but she is having trouble finding a way.
Comments: I loved this book. There is a lot more to it than I put in the summary, because she meets friends and in the end, she does find a way to reach her dreams and continue on.
This book is just so interesting that I couldn't put it down. It was interesting to kind of see the tables turned (usually, in the stereotypical family, the adults would be like Gladys and the kids would be obsessed with fast food).
This book is totally appropriate and can be enjoyed by everyone!
Complaints: None.
Rating: 5 stars (well, in following with the book, would it be appropriate to say that it got ALL 4 STARS?! XD)