Title: Rebel McKenzie
Author: Candice Ransom
Summary: Rebel McKenzie started out excited for summer break, but her plans ended in disaster when she didn't have enough money to go to her Ice Age Kids Safari Dig summer camp. After a failed attempt at running away, her mom thinks that it would do her good to go help out her sister and nephew at their home (a trailer) for the summer.
So, Rebel is whisked off to be with her sister who is consumed with her cosmetology school tests and lessons, so Rebel and her nephew Rudy are left alone for most of the day. The park and surrounding areas are full of interesting people; Bambi, the beauty pageant queen (a young girl), Lacey Jane, the bully, and many other interesting people. When Rudy and Rebel come into a confrontation with Lacey Jane, the two girls slowly become friends of sorts.
The girls find out about a beauty pageant with cash prizes and Rebel wants to enter, and Lacey Jane agrees too. With a little help, they prepare for the pageant, practicing how to walk, the answers to pageant questions, and their impressive talent that will stun the judges.
Things aren't always easy for Rebel, and the summer started out bad, but things begin to look up.
Comments: I enjoyed this book very much. I think that Rebel is a great character and is extremely relatable in her thoughts and actions. She is a funny, regular 12 year old girl and nothing is hidden from you - it is pure Rebel McKenzie on every page. I would really love to meet her and I found myself sad when the book ended. This book is great for kids (girls) around 9-13 just because they may be the target age group to relate to everything more, but as far as I could tell, there really isn't anything "iffy" about the book. On an unimportant side note, I must say that Rebel's name is very interesting and nowhere was it indicated as a nickname. She is a cool girl that anyone would love to read about! It would be fun if they did a sequel or maybe made a trilogy! Rebel is a great character and I'd love to see her in a school setting and maybe even a summer camp setting like she wanted.
Complaints: None!
Rating: 5 stars!
(Remember, while this book is suitable for all ages, it will be best enjoyed by those 9-13 around Rebel's age.
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