Title: I, Emma Freke
Author: Elizabeth Atkinson
Summary: Emma Freke is living with her mother and grandfather and grandfather's dog in an apartment above their bead shop. Her father walked out before she was even born and Emma's mother isn't attentive and is continuing to date men on and off and is usually out every night. Emma feels alone with her only friend being much younger and Emma already feels awkward because of her six foot height and her bright red hair.
For summer break, Emma is invited to a family reunion just for the "Frekes" (pronounced "Freak" though the family refuses to accept this and pronounces it "Freck"). Emma makes friends with some of her cousins that she has never met before and she begins to feel at home.
Towards the end of the book, there is closure for Emma as she meets her real father (a nice man) and realizes that she is happy to be a "Freke".
Comments: This is a short book really (It took me an hour to finish) and is a nice story about a girl struggling to fit in at home who goes on an adventure that boosts her confidence and she turns into a different girl (for the better). There really isn't anything in this book that could be seen as inappropriate except for the word "sex" that is written in the book once and it isn't brought into detail and doesn't allude to anything and there aren't innuendos. Some may not agree with the mother dating so many men and nearly forgetting about her daughter and using her as a servant. It could be seen, in some ways, as a controversial book, but I enjoyed it and did not let anything minor get in the way of reading. I would recommend it to kids 9-10+.
Rating: 5 stars!!!
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