Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Every Day After

Title: Every Day After
Author: Laura Golden
Summary; Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hawkins is living with her mother in the Depression. Her father left home a few months ago and Lizzie is trying to fend for herself while taking care of her mother who has gone into such a depressed state upon the leaving of Lizzie's father, that she no longer speaks and can barely take care of herself without the help of her daughter.
On top of all of this, Lizzie is dealing with constant bullying from the new school bully, Erin Sawyer who also seems to be "stealing" here friend Ben who is nice to everybody.
Lizzie is determined to win and make Erin lose and to keep the fact that her mother is nearly non-functional a secret.
However, when the secret about her mother gets out, Lizzie knows it is up to her to figure out a plan to keep them together and to keep Erin from getting what she wants.
Comments: On the first few pages of the book, I wasn't completely sold, but when I really read further, I couldn't believe that it took me this long to find the book! It was amazing. Lizzie was so real and so was Ben and Erin was a little over-the-top, but then we all find out, in the end, why she is like that. Everything is so real, from the people to the struggles and challenges they go through. Lizzie is so likeable and it is so easy to hate Erin that you can really find yourself cheering on Lizzie and hoping and turning the next page to see if Erin gets taken down. It was such a fun read and I'm glad that I found it. This book has no inappropriate content and can be enjoyed by many ages of readers*!
Complaints: None! The way everything shaped together at the end was beautiful.
Rating: 5 stars!

*While I have rated this suitable for all readers of all ages, I believe that due to some more "mature" themes, it would probably be best enjoyed by those around 10.

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