Title: The Blossoming Universe of Violet Diamond
Author: Brenda Woods
Summary: Violet Diamond is a brown haired, brown skinned, and brown eyed girl who lives with a mother and a sister who are both blonde haired and blue eyed, because she is biracial and looks like her father, who died before she was born.
Violet has never met her father's side of the family, but when she hears her grandmother is coming nearby for an art show, Violet urges her mother to let her reach out, despite hard feelings between her grandmother and mother.
Violet meets her grandmother and things aren't great at first, but Violet is glad they met, and they soon form a great bond.
Comments: I really liked this book! It was fun to read about Violet, who is just a fun girl who likes to do exciting things and likes to wish. She was hopeful and full of energy, despite her disappointment in never meeting her father's side of the family at first or her father, which I found refreshing.
There are a lot of race questions, so this may be suitable for kids around Violet's age (11). So, I would recommend this book 10+.