Title: Tuck Everlasting
Author: Natalie Babbitt
Summary: In the 1880s, one August, Winnie Foster, a young girl, stumbles upon the Tuck family - a family that once drank from a spring in the woods and all of them will live forever. Winnie comes to be good friends with them; especially one of the Tuck boys in particular, who gives her water to drink for later when she is older and then they can live forever together. However, in the end, Winnie makes a choice that is surprising to the reader; a decision that you would most likely least expect.
Comments: I LOVED this book. It was a short read, but a deep read too. It was written beautifully and everything was described in such detail. I even began to imagine myself as Winnie; I really got into the story. The ending was so surprising and the afterwards or whatever after the book where they come back to Treegap years later, was so sad that I got tears in my eyes. This book is such a powerful one and I recommend it to all ages. There are bits of romance in it between Winnie, but because she is so young and he is so good, it is totally light and extremely innocent, so there is nothing "iffy" in this book. READ!
Complaints: None!
Rating: 5 stars!
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