Title: Love, Aubrey
Author: Suzanne LaFleur
Summary: 11 year old Aubrey's dad and sister, Savannah have just recently died in a car crash and the book starts out with her living alone, as her mother just took off one day. After a week, her grandmother finds Aubrey and insists that she be her caregiver until Aubrey's mother can be found. Aubrey packs up to go live with her grandmother.
Things start out a little rough, and Aubrey still has obvious pain from the death of her family members and it comes in waves at the worst times. However, she meets her next door neighbors, two girls, and one is Aubrey's age. They become pretty fast friends and things begin to look up. Eventually, her mother is found and Aubrey is left to make a choice - and chooses what she probably would not have chosen in the beginning.
Comments: I loved this book. In fact, I read straight through it (It took me 2 hours, but I had the time, thankfully!). Aubrey is such a likeable character. It is easy to feel upset right along with her, and when she writes letters to her dad and sister and her sister's imaginary friend, I was nearly in tears. It was such a powerful book and everything was dealt with nicely. It was tragic, but there were boundaries that I did not see in another specific book (Nest).
Complaints: None!
Rating: 5 stars!
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