Title: The Rising Star of Rusty Nail
Author: Lesley M. M. Blume
Summary: Franny Hansen, is a resident of Rusty Nail, and also a piano prodigy. She is by far the best piano player in the small town; and she has even surpassed the talents of Rusty Nail's resident piano teacher.
Then, one day, a Russian lady comes to town. Franny and her friend and partner in crime, Sandy are fascinated by the lady, who turns out to be a professional piano player. Franny pushes to have lessons with her, and eventually, gets her way. However, the town is worried about the lady, calling her a "commie" and all sorts of other nonsense.
While the lady does have her secrets, she decides to show everyone that she is not a "commie" but a wonderful pianist who may just help Franny get to be the famous prodigy that can be.
Comments: I really enjoyed this book. Franny was a likeable character, and her town enemy, Nancy, was just so easy to hate, as were a lot of the mean characters in the book. While I don't know if everything was totally accurate for the 1950s, I don't think it matters, because it was such a good book with an interesting plot. There is talk of wars and "commies" that younger children may have more trouble understanding, so I would recommend this for 10+.
Rating: 5 stars!
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